Tamboritha seamlessly integrated Boreas A70 fiber-optic gyroscope (FOG) inertial navigation system (INS) into their Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV).
Case Studies
13 December 2024
Go to ArticleOnboard With MooVita: Towards The Next Stop In Autonomous Transportation
MooVita is developing autonomous buses to tackle Singapore’s public transportation concerns, arising from an ageing population and a labour shortage of bus drivers.
27 March 2024
Go to ArticleAdvancing Humanoid Robots: PAL Robotics Strides Forward With Orientus
Spanish company PAL Robotics partners with Advanced Navigation to make their bipedal humanoid robots, TALOS and Kangaroo, capable of balancing, walking on uneven terrain and jumping.
26 March 2024
Go to ArticleRoadside Assistance in Space: The Launch of Optimus and Boreas X90
Space Machines Company has launched Optimus, an orbital service vehicle (OSV) equipped with Advanced Navigation’s Boreas X90 INS, into space.
21 February 2024
Go to ArticleEnhancing Aquaculture Sustainability with Hydrus
Hydrus is revolutionizing the aquaculture industry by offering cost-effective and sustainable solutions for monitoring seabed health.
5 October 2023
Go to ArticleUnderwater Drone Hydrus Completes Successful Simulation to Identify Hazards in Tropical Waters
Underwater drone Hydrus completes successful simulation to identify hazards in tropical waters with Australian Institute of Marine Science.
20 September 2023
Go to ArticleSpatial FOG Dual Helps Ultrabeam’s Axolotl Amphibious Hydrographic Survey Craft Stay on Course Both on Land and in Water
Ultrabeam chooses Spatial FOG Dual GNSS INS for their acclaimed amphibious hydrographic survey anywhere vehicle, Axolotl.
7 March 2023
Go to ArticleSubsonus USBL2 Technology Accelerates JM Robotics Small-Scale ROV Program With Accurate Acoustic Heading
JM Robotics adopt Subsonus USBL2 acoustic compass for accurate ROV heading in difficult, shallow water conditions.
6 March 2023
Go to ArticleIntuitive Machines Looks To Advanced Navigation Laser Velocity and Ranging Technology for Autonomous Commercial Lunar Landings
Intuitive Machines deploys new Advanced Navigation laser velocity and ranging technology for autonomous commercial lunar landings.
4 October 2022
Go to ArticleGNSS Compass Keeps the Naïo Technologies “Ted” Agricultural Robot Accurately Tending Vineyards
See how Advanced Navigation’s GNSS Compass helped Naïo Technologies get better heading accuracy for vineyard operations.
8 August 2022
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